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Searched for: regional food system

Legislation Seeks to Fully Fund Groundbreaking U of M Forever Green Initiative

Research is Developing Crops that Help Farmers Profitably Clean up Water SAINT PAUL, Minn. — Bills have been introduced in the Minnesota House and Senate that would fully fund the University of Minnesota’s Forever Green Initiative, a program employing cutting-edge research focused on developing cover cropping and perennial plant systems that keep the land covered…  Read More

Cover Crop Field Day on Tom Cotter Farm July 10 in Austin

AUSTIN, Minn. — A field day focused on cover crops, interseeding, grazing cover crop mixes, and roller crimping will be held Tuesday, July 10, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., at the Tom Cotter farm, 50203 205th St., in Austin. Registration for this free event, which is co-sponsored by the Land Stewardship Project and the…  Read More

LSP & 33 Other Groups: House Farm Bill Should be Rejected

Bill Backs Corporate Interests Over Family Farmers, Rural Communities & the Environment A deeply flawed U.S. House Farm Bill represents corporate interests, particularly industrial livestock operations, at the expense of independent farm families and the environment, and should be swiftly rejected when it comes to a vote this month, the Land Stewardship Project, along with…  Read More

LSP Calls on Rep. Peterson to Support a Strong, Secure SNAP

The Honorable Collin PetersonUnited States House of Representatives2204 Rayburn House Office BuildingWashington, DC 20515 Dear Rep. Peterson, We write to you as Minnesota and Wisconsin farmers and members of the Land Stewardship Project (LSP) Federal Policy Steering Committee. Our committee decided on the agricultural policy priorities in LSP’s “Our Farm Bill” campaign. We selected these…  Read More

LSP Joins National Coalition in Calling for a Farm Bill that Supports Conservation

Over 2 Dozen Farm, Food, Wildlife & Environmental Groups Send Letter to Congressional Ag Committees MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. — As U.S. House and Senate agriculture committee leadership begins drafting the 2018 Farm Bill, the Land Stewardship Project (LSP) this week joined over two dozen other organizations in calling for a law that greatly strengthens agricultural conservation…  Read More