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Searched for: seeking organic farmland to rent or buy

Protozoa, Pastures & Profits

Innovative Farming Requires an Innovative Approach to Soil Health It’s a bright June day in southeastern Minnesota, and the hilly landscape is in full summer bloom. But as Chuck Henry watches his dairy herd graze a mix of winter wheat and Sudan grass, he has numbers on his mind: 33,000 bites per day, per cow;…  Read More

Farm Beginnings Profile: Alison & Jim Deutsch

On the home farm…at last

It’s early July—a time on one Wisconsin farm when there’s a brief reprieve between the spring rush of putting in crops and the mid-summer hurly-burly of making sure the land and animals are as productive as possible by fall. What better time to take a breather and assess where you’ve been, and where you’re going.…  Read More

Farm Transition Profile: A High-Value Apprenticeship

When Nathan Vergin applied to work as an apprentice on Polyface Farm in Virginia back in the mid-2000s, he had to undergo a three-day “working interview.” Vergin, who grew up helping out on a sheep dairy near Northfield, Minn., passed the trial by fire, and went on to serve a two-year apprenticeship with the farm’s…  Read More

New Pocket Guide Outlines How Agriculture Can Help Clean Up Our Water & Head Off Climate Catastrophe

Integrating Diverse Cropping, Livestock & Grazing Key to Developing ‘Soil Smart’ Farms MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. — At a time of skyrocketing water pollution levels and increasing climate-related calamities, a new resource released today describes how farmers in Minnesota and the rest of the Midwest can play a key role in helping fix these serious environmental problems.…  Read More

Midwestern Farms Can Counter Climate Change

One of the best approaches for combating climate change lies beneath every Midwestern farm: the soil. By increasing soil organic carbon, farmers can help the climate, their bottom lines, and their farms and communities better adapt to the impacts of extreme weather. The Land Stewardship Project is part of the Midwest Sustainable Agriculture Working Group…  Read More

Seeking Farmland to Rent or Buy: Minnesota

Cameran is seeking an acre of land to rent or buy in MN.  Cameran is interested in planting and managing perennial plants to support habitat and sell products (herbs, seeds, cuttings, fruit, berries, roots).  A small shed would be nice but not necessary.  No housing is needed and Cameran would be interested 4/1/25.