AUSTIN, Minn. — Internationally known soil health pioneer Gave Brown will be featured at a regenerative farming field day Friday, Sept. 16, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the Tom Cotter farm near Austin (50203 205th Street). This event, which is being sponsored by the Minnesota Soil Health Coalition, Superior Cannabis Company and the Land Stewardship Project, is free and open to the public; lunch is provided. Sign-in begins at 8:30 a.m.; to reserve a spot by Sept. 14, register at https://bit.ly/3JTs8Ah. For more information or help with registration, contact Mark Gutierrez at mark@mnsoilhealth.org or 505-980-1360.
DIRECTIONS: The farm is located just west of Austin on 205th Street, west of County Rd. 21 (31st Street SW) and east of 900th Avenue; look for event signs.
This event will feature a walking tour with Cotter and Brown and the focus will be on increasing return-on-investment, fertilizer savings, residue management and soil health assessments. There will be a hands-on discussion of varied regenerative solutions that have proven to be successful in building healthy soil for nutrient dense production, sequestering carbon, filtering and storing water, stopping erosion and keeping soil cool to maintain a healthy micro-biome for a sound water cycle.
Brown, along with his wife, Shelly, and son, Paul, own and operate Brown’s Ranch, a diversified 5,000-acre farm and ranch near Bismarck, N. Dak. The ranch consists of several thousand acres of native perennial rangeland, along with perennial pastureland and cropland. The Browns holistically integrate their grazing and no-till cropping systems, which include a wide variety of cash crops and multi-species cover crops, along with all grass-finished beef and lamb. They also raise pastured laying hens, broilers and swine. This diversity and integration has regenerated the natural resources on the ranch without the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and fungicides. Over 2,000 people from across the country and overseas annually visit the Browns’ operation to see this unique farm.
Cotter is a regional leader in farming with regenerative practices that build soil health. He produces organic hemp, soybeans and corn, as well as rotationally grazed livestock.
‘Hemp & Food Health Day on a Regenerative Farm’ Sept. 17 Near Austin
AUSTIN, Minn. — Consumers, farmers and community members are invited to the “Second Annual Hemp & Food Health Day on a Regenerative Farm” event Saturday, Sept. 17, from 9 a.m. to 3: 30 p.m., at the Tom Cotter farm near Austin (50203 205th St.). This free event, which includes lunch and a beer social, is sponsored by Cotter Farm, Superior Cannabis Company, the Minnesota Soil Health Coalition, and the Land Stewardship Project. To reserve a spot by Sept. 14, register at https://bit.ly/3JUCUGQ. You can also register in person at Superior Cannabis Company, 125 North Main Street, Austin, Minn. For more information or help with registration, contact Mark Gutierrez at mark@mnsoilhealth.org or 505-980-1360.
DIRECTIONS: The farm is located just west of Austin on 205th Street, west of County Rd. 21 (31st Street SW) and east of 900th Avenue; look for event signs.
Local foods, community engagement and autonomy around food health will be the focus of this event, which will feature demonstrations and talks by local experts, as well as farm tours and presentations. During this event, a nutritionist, natural foods chef, backyard gardeners, canning experts, hemp growers and regenerative farmers will be on-hand to discuss growing and eating healthy food and the benefits of hemp for the environment and humans.
Cotter Farm is a regional leader in producing food with regenerative practices that build soil health. The operation produces organic hemp, soybeans and corn, as well as rotationally grazed livestock.