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A Giant in the Earth: Paul Johnson & the Geography of Hope

NOTE: The Land Stewardship Project is saddened to learn that Paul Johnson, a giant in the promotion of working lands conservation on America’s farms, passed away this week. We send our condolences to Paul’s family — he will be sorely missed. Below is an excerpt of a 2020 Land Stewardship Letter article on Paul and…  Read More

Land Line: Efficiency’s Cost, Busting Big Ag, Neonic No-No, Rooting Out Racism, Rural Isolation, Winter Greens

Feb. 12: An LSP Round-up of News Covering Land, People & Communities The Efficiency Curse — We built a ‘better’ food system. The cost: It couldn’t handle a pandemic. (2/5/21) When COVID-19 arrived in the U.S., we discovered that the food system was fragile, rigid, and therefore vulnerable. But, as Michael Pollan points out in…  Read More

100% Soil-Healthy Farming Bill Introduction & Hearing!

Exciting news! The Land Stewardship Project’s comprehensive soil health bill was introduced in the Minnesota House last week by Rep. Todd Lippert (DFL-Northfield), with a growing list of co-authors from across the state. The Senate bill is coming soon, and we need your help. Over 2,000 LSP members and supporters came together last summer and…  Read More

LSP in the News

• Public News Service: MN Livestock Producers May Take Concerns to the Polls (8/26/24) • Star Tribune Editorial: So Much Rides on the Farm Bill: Here’s what’s on the table in Washington this time around and how it touches on all of our lives. (8/14/24) • Modern Farmer: Factory Farms Make Bad Neighbors. Folks Are Fighting Back…

LSP Land Line: Prevented Plant, Dicamba, COVID-19, Food Assistance, Meat Processing, Reconnecting Black Farmers & Land

Oct. 30: An LSP Round-up of News Covering Land, People & Communities Prevented Plant at Historic Highs Again in 2020 (10/26/20) Over 10 million acres of U.S. crop ground was not planted this year as a result of extreme weather conditions, reports Agricultural Economic Insights. This growing season marks the second-highest “prevented plant” level in…  Read More

LSP Land Line: Singing Soil Health’s Praises, Hunger & Children, COVID Relief, Farm Stress

Oct. 23: An LSP Round-up of News Covering Land, People & Communities Connecting Farmers Through Music, Land Stewardship Project Commissions Conservation Songs (10/18/20) Kaitlyn Riley at WIZM Radio describes how LSP this fall added a new, melodic twist to its soil health work by producing a music video called, “Got Cover Crops.” Highlights: LSP collaborated…  Read More

LSP Land Line: MnDOT & Spraying, Frac Sand, Rural COVID-19, Climate-Smart Ag

Oct. 9: An LSP Round-up of News Covering Land, People & Communities Minnesota Department of Transportation rethinks no-spray ditch program after yanking signs (10/9/20) The Minnesota Department of Transportation is reevaluating its decision to pull “Do Not Spray” signs without warning in southeastern Minnesota, according to the Star Tribune. Farmers, including LSP members, had complained…  Read More

LSP Statement on MN Sands Petition to U.S. Supreme Court

Corporation Yet Again Ignores Local Democracy & the Will of the People Today, Minnesota Sands, LLC filed a petition asking the United States Supreme Court to hear an appeal in its lawsuit seeking to overturn the Winona County frac sand mining ban. Such requests are not automatically accepted by the Court, and given the utter…  Read More