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Line 3 Environmental Damage & State Regulatory Failure

It's Now Clear Approval of the Pipeline Failed the Land, Our Water & People

Note: The Land Stewardship Project’s current long-range plan outlines why we cannot have a sustainable society while we rely on a system focused on extractive fossil fuels. In the plan, LSP promises to “advance solutions to the climate crisis by innovating and promoting resilient, soil-building farming systems and moving our society away from a reliance on fossil fuels.” It…  Read More

2022 Minnesota Legislative Session Wrap-up — Maybe?

More Undone than Done, but Some Key Wins LSP is Eager to Build on

The 2022 Minnesota legislative session held incredible promise in the form of a historic budget surplus that had the opportunity to deliver tangible progress on the biggest challenges we face. For example, the Minnesota House Climate Action Caucus, chaired by Rep. Patty Acomb (DFL-Minnetonka), began the session with a bang, proposing a $1 billion investment…  Read More

Small, Complex & Focused

Not Doing Everything Makes Minding the Little Things Even More Crucial

Smaller doesn’t always mean simpler. Consider Cella Langer and Emmet Fisher’s foray into being a Grade A micro-dairy — one that produces, processes, packages, markets, and sells pasteurized milk and yogurt. In a state that has lost 40,000 dairy farms in the past four decades, they are a tiny push in the opposite direction. How…  Read More

Minnesota Legislative Leadership Squanders Opportunity to Fully Support Farmers, Food Systems & the Land in Ag Budget 

With 24 Hours Left in the Regular Session, Rural Support Could Still Pass 

SAINT PAUL, Minn. — As the agriculture budget emerged from a House-Senate conference committee Friday evening, it appeared legislative leaders had squandered a major opportunity to invest in an economically and ecologically sustainable rural Minnesota, according to the Land Stewardship Project (LSP). “This was the state’s chance to help farmers build the kind of agricultural…  Read More

Pass Drought Relief NOW

Minnesota House Ag Committee Passes Package; Senate Ag Committee Next

As you know, this past summer’s drought created one of the most difficult growing seasons that Minnesota has seen in decades. Farmers had to make incredibly hard decisions: ending CSA deliveries early or entirely, selling or processing livestock early to save costs, paying to dig deeper wells or new ones entirely, and investing in new…  Read More

The Crop Insurance Conundrum

More Evidence that a Safety Net has Morphed into a Web of Destruction

When one sees the word “unambiguously” used in a carefully researched academic paper, it’s time to take notice. For example,  a recent Journal of Policy Modeling study reports results that are “…unambiguously suggestive of a crop insurance policy regime that is biased in the direction of increasing consolidation in crop farming….” That conclusion is based on…  Read More

Threshing Table Farm

Threshing Table Farm has been operating as a CSA farm since 2007. We are located in Star Prairie, Wis., and we deliver to Hill Murray School, Stillwater, Hudson, Osceola, Somerset, and New Richmond, as well as have on-farm pick-up. Deliveries are on Thursdays, starting in June, and our season runs for 18 weeks. Our farm…  Read More

Making Room for Relationships

How Journeyperson is Helping Racing Heart Pace Itself

Pack-shed or people? That’s the question Les Macare and Els Dobrick are grappling with on a dank day in mid-March as they brave a biting wind to inspect the garden plots, cover crops, and outbuildings on Racing Heart Farm in western Wisconsin. With the exception of some onions sprouting in one of the hoop houses,…  Read More

The Non-Tragedy of the Commons

Cooperative Ownership of Farmland Offers Alternative Access to Acres

Meet Sasa Organic Farms, a collective of Kenyan farmers. Sasa is five family farms: Dawn2Dusk Organic Farms, Lisaviole Farms, Lisaviole Organic Farms, Green Joy Farm, Gedef Organic Farm, and Laurens Organic Farm. They provide Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) shares, produce, and seedlings to customers in and around Minnesota’s Twin Cities. Like many beginning farmers, their goal…  Read More

Brian DeVore

Brian DeVore joined LSP’s staff in 1994 and his responsibilities include coordinating media relations, editing the Land Stewardship Letter, producing the Ear to the Ground podcast, administering the organization’s website, and editing special publications. DeVore grew up on a crop and livestock farm in southwestern Iowa and, as a Peace Corps Volunteer, operated a dairy…  Read More