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Meander Art Crawl & Monte Meet-Up

2023 Meander Art Crawl in the Upper Minnesota River Valley: Sept. 29-30, Oct. 1 The award-winning Meander Art Crawl is a free, self-guided tour of artist studios featuring 40 local artists — including several LSP members — from the Upper Minnesota River Valley. We encourage visitors to visit artists in their own environment who celebrate…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 279: We Are What We Eat

There’s a connection between the biome beneath our feet and the bounty on our table. Allen Williams thinks research linking soil health and nutrient density of food holds huge potential for advancing regenerative agriculture. 4th of 4 episodes in a series: Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 More Information: Allen Williams will be presenting on two southeastern Minnesota farms…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 278: It Can Happen Anywhere

Allen Williams describes how regenerative practices are working on four farming operations representing widely divergent geographical locations and enterprises. 3rd of 4 episodes in a series: Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 4 More Information: Allen Williams will be presenting on two southeastern Minnesota farms Aug. 17-18, 2022. For details and to register, click here. LSP’s Soil Health…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 277: 3 Regenerative Rules

Allen Williams asks, “What is a weed?” and lays out the three rules of adaptive stewardship. 2nd of 4 episodes in a series: Episode 1 Episode 3 Episode 4 More Information: Allen Williams will be presenting on two southeastern Minnesota farms Aug. 17-18, 2022. For details and to register, click here. LSP’s Soil Health Web Page Understanding Ag…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 276: Why Regenerative Ag?

Allen Williams believes that farming in nature’s image isn’t just a nice idea, it’s an agricultural/ecological imperative. 1st of 4 episodes in a series: Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 More Information: Allen Williams will be presenting on two southeastern Minnesota farms Aug. 17-18, 2022. For details and to register, click here. LSP’s Soil Health Web Page Understanding Ag…  Read More

Sustainable Ag’s Most Critical Conversation

What is the most critical discussion that needs to take place to ensure a sustainable food and farming system long into the future? Is it one on policy, farming techniques, green technology, consumer preferences or soil fertility? No. It’s the conversation that takes place between Nettie and Gerald during LSP’s play, Look Who’s Knockin’, which…  Read More

Good News on the Beginning Farmer Front

What with ridiculously high land prices and Washington’s inability to focus on agriculture long enough to pass a Farm Bill, it’s easy to get down about the prospects for beginning farmers these days. That’s why a national meeting held in Rochester, Minn., earlier this month was so important—not only because it proved that there are…  Read More

‘The Most Abused Chemical We’ve Ever Had in Agriculture’

Former Purdue University professor Don Huber is no chemo-phobe — he just hates to see a product of science go to waste. LSP’s podcast/PowerPoint presentation on the herbicide glyphosate featuring Huber makes that point. In the presentation, Huber comes across as a scientist who is profoundly disappointed that a sound crop production tool has, in…  Read More

Loving the Land Enough to Let it Go

While recording a recent LSP podcast interview with southwest Minnesota farmer Carmen Fernholz, I was reminded of how important it is that farmers identify closely with the land they’re producing a livelihood from. As Fernholz put it: “If you’re a good farmer you can’t help but become attached to the land. And when you become…  Read More

Stripping Erosion Control to its Bare Essentials

While walking through a knee-high prairie planted on a central Iowa hillside Tuesday, I happened to look down. Trapped amongst all that vegetation was an impressive amount of rich, black glacial soil, the kind that produces record crop yields. And just a few feet away was the source of that soil: a soybean field planted…  Read More