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Searched for: podcast

Ear to the Ground 286: Tractor Seat Economics

Everett Rolfing knew one thing for certain: no-till would never work on his farm. His soil had a different idea. More Information: • LSP’s No-till & Soil Health web page • Land Stewardship Letter: A Season of Knowledge Transfer You can find LSP Ear to the Ground podcast episodes on Spotify, Stitcher, iTunes, and other…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 285: Powerful Conversations

LSP organizers describe the potential for “deep canvassing” to go beyond shouting, lawn signs, and social media posts and move people to be a part of real change. More Information: • Land Stewardship Action Fund • Oct. 2: Soil Health Deep Canvass – MN Senate District 24 • Oct. 5: Deep Canvass Training • Oct. 13: Soil…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 274: From Dirt to Diversity

How Scott and Amanda Holthaus are transforming corn-soybean ground into perennial pasture utilizing soil biology and the rotational grazing of diverse cover crops. More Information: • LSP Video: What does Healthy Soil Look Like? Water Infiltration Test & Comparison • LSP’s Soil Health & Grazing Web Page • LSP’s Soil Health & Cover Cropping Web…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 273: Incubating Immigrants

Dawn 2 Dusk’s dedication to helping Africans get established on Minnesota soil. More information: • Dawn 2 Dusk Farm • Kilimo Minnesota • LSP’s Farm Beginnings Class • Land Transition Resources • The Food Group/Big River Farms Incubator You can find LSP Ear to the Ground podcast episodes on Spotify, Stitcher, iTunes, and other podcast…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 272: Micro Milk Mentorship

Government regulators may be befuddled by Cella Langer and Emmet Fisher’s tiny dairy, but these Farm Beginnings/Journeyperson grads know exactly where it fits into their business. More information: • Land Stewardship Letter Oxheart Farm profile • Oxheart Farm • LSP’s Farm Beginnings • LSP’s Journeyperson • MOSES Farmer-to-Farmer Mentorship Program You can find LSP Ear to the…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 270: It Doesn’t Rain Grass

In an area that receives 8-10 inches of precipitation annually, Mexican rancher Alejandro Carrillo’s philosophy is: “It’s not how much rain you get, it’s what you do with it.” That’s why he makes sure that water falling out of the sky has a friendly reception on the ground. More Information • Understanding Ag case study…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 266: Activating Soil Life

How farmers involved in an LSP research project hope to use the Johnson-Su Bioreactor composting system to spark a chain reaction of underground ecological activity.  More information: • An LSP Slideshow on Johnson-Su Bioreactor Construction in Minnesota • How to Build Your Own Bioreactor • Managing a Johnson-Su Composting Bioreactor • Microbiologist Elaine Ingham You can…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 264: Center of the Universe

Pack-shed or people? LSP’s Journeyperson helped vegetable producers Les Macare and Els Dobrick make a big decision about a recent growing season. More information: • Land Stewardship Letter Racing Heart Farm profile • LSP’s Journeyperson Course • LSP’s Farm Beginnings Course • Racing Heart Farm You can find LSP Ear to the Ground podcast episodes…  Read More