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LSP Simpls Fundraiser

For the fourth year in a row, the Land Stewardship Project will be doing a fundraiser with our friends at Simpls, a Twin Cities based company that makes delicious food from scratch using local, organic, and regenerative ingredients. It’s a very easy online fundraiser! Simpls is providing us with an e-mail template to send to your…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 319: Right Place, Right Time

Scott Elkins talks about why he is excited to join LSP’s staff as its executive director, and why the organization is well-placed to make a positive difference in creating a farm and food system based on integrity. More Information • Release: LSP Names New Executive Director • LSP’s Long Range Plan — Vision for the Future: 5 Year…  Read More

LSP Powerline Story Center

Do You Care About the Future of Your Rural Community? Do You Want to be Heard?  Do you favor a farm and food system that relies on small and medium-sized operations that contribute to local economies while building healthy soil? Are you concerned about the corporate takeover of the farm and food system in your community? Do…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 317: Policy on the Prairie

Adam Griebie’s agricultural stewardship ethic has been bolstered by federal farm policy, but there’s room for improvement. More Information • LSP’s 2023 Farm Bill Platform • LSP’s Federal Policy Web Page You can find LSP Ear to the Ground podcast episodes on Spotify, Pandora, iTunes, and other podcast platforms.

Talking Through Tough Choices

Transforming a Wish List into a Viable Farming Operation

There’s a bit of a disagreement over how many enterprises were originally on a certain wish list when Hannah Frank and Justin Thomas were considering launching a farm. “Didn’t we have, like, 40 different enterprises on our goal sheet?” Thomas asks Frank on an overcast day in July while the couple stands next to a…  Read More

No. 1, 2023, Land Stewardship Letter

• An online version of the Land Stewardship Letter is here. • A downloadable pdf version is here. • Archived pdf versions of the Land Stewardship Letter are here. • Archived online versions of the Land Stewardship Letter are here. • Paper copies are available by contacting Brian DeVore at 612-816-9342 or via e-mail. Table of Contents Stewardship Roots…3 •…  Read More

Social Justice Report

The Land Stewardship Project envisions a food and farming system and thriving, healthy communities that work for everyone, no exceptions. Whether Black or white, immigrant or Indigenous, working class or middle class, queer or straight, man, woman, or non-binary, we all deserve dignified, productive, and creative lives. Racism, gender inequality, and economic injustice are major…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 305: Farm Bill as a Public Good

LSP farmer-members talk about how the 2023 Farm Bill could benefit the land, people, and rural communities (2nd of 2 parts). More Information • Ear to the Ground 304: Policy for the People (1st installment in this series) • LSP’s Federal Policy Page • LSP 2023 Farm Bill Platform You can find LSP Ear to…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 302: Thinking Like a Tree

Beginning farmers Abbie Baldwin and Mitch Hawes are playing the long game when it comes to launching their permaculture operation. More Information • LSP’s Farm Beginnings Course • Ear to the Ground 262: A Silvo Secondary Enterprise • Midwest Permaculture You can find LSP Ear to the Ground podcast episodes on Spotify, Stitcher, iTunes, and other podcast…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 299: Road to Resilience

Laura Lengnick believes that if farms are to survive (and thrive) in the age of climate change, we need to remember it’s not just about soil and water — it’s also about people. More Information • Resilient Agriculture: Cultivating Food Systems for a Changing Climate, by Laura Lengnick • SARE Publication: Cultivating Climate Resilience on Farms…  Read More