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Searched for: farmland for rent wisconsin

Farm Transitions Profile: Odd Acres of Opportunity

Sometimes a Farm Transition is Done at a Distance On a brilliantly bright October afternoon, Chris Mosel makes his way over a clear-running brook and through a stand of basswood, oak and maple on his central Minnesota farm. As he approaches the edge of the woodlot, he steps over a strand of temporarily erected electric…  Read More

New Pocket Guide Outlines How Agriculture Can Help Clean Up Our Water & Head Off Climate Catastrophe

Integrating Diverse Cropping, Livestock & Grazing Key to Developing ‘Soil Smart’ Farms MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. — At a time of skyrocketing water pollution levels and increasing climate-related calamities, a new resource released today describes how farmers in Minnesota and the rest of the Midwest can play a key role in helping fix these serious environmental problems.…  Read More

LSP Joins National Coalition in Calling for a Farm Bill that Supports Conservation

Over 2 Dozen Farm, Food, Wildlife & Environmental Groups Send Letter to Congressional Ag Committees MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. — As U.S. House and Senate agriculture committee leadership begins drafting the 2018 Farm Bill, the Land Stewardship Project (LSP) this week joined over two dozen other organizations in calling for a law that greatly strengthens agricultural conservation…  Read More

Who is Attacking the Winona County Frac Sand Ban?

Last fall, the Land Stewardship Project’s organizing efforts won a major victory when the Winona County Board in southeastern Minnesota banned any new frac sand operations in the county’s jurisdiction. In recent years, outside interests have been seeking to strip-mine and haul away silica sand from beneath southeastern Minnesota hills, bluffs and farmland to use…  Read More

Farmers & Rural Residents Call for Ag Policy that Supports People & the Land During Discussion with Rep. Peterson in Redwood Falls

Support for Beginning Farmers, Conservation & Crop Insurance Reform Called for REDWOOD FALLS, Minn. — More than 85 members and supporters of the Land Stewardship Project (LSP) delivered a clear message April 11 to a key member of the U.S. House Agriculture Committee: the next Farm Bill must help small and mid-sized farmers while protecting…  Read More

A Leadership Transition at LSP

I have been a member of the Land Stewardship Project since 2008, first joining through the Farm Beginnings program. Since then, and even before, as a grass-fed beef farmer, a professor of sustainable agriculture law issues, and now renting our farm fields to Farm Beginning’s graduates, I have observed and participated in LSP’s campaigns and…  Read More

Carbon, Cattle & Conservation Grazing

Sometimes the rules of simple cause and effect don’t directly apply. Take, for instance, the fact that cattle are ruminants, and like all ruminants they utilize a wonderfully complex digestive system to turn forages and grain into meat and milk. A major side effect of all that fermentation on four legs is the production of…  Read More

Making Our Farm & Food System Accountable

There is no doubt a wide and abundant array of food is available in this country, but at what price? There is a lot of talk about our industrial system’s ability to make food like Big Macs and Big Gulps as cheap as possible. Nutritious, affordable food for all is critical. The problem is, all…  Read More

Don’t Let Racists Speak for Rural Residents

As rural Land Stewardship Project organizing committee members and staff, we feel compelled to respond to recent incidents of racial tension in the broader community of Minnesota’s Winona County, where we live and work. Following this summer’s racist killings in the church in Charleston, South Carolina, and the subsequent removal of the Confederate flag from…  Read More