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Searched for: covid lsp

‘Bringing Livestock Back’ Workshop June 14 in Hoffman

HOFFMAN, Minn. — A special “Bringing Livestock Back” workshop will be held Thursday, June 14, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., at the Hoffman Community Center, 127 Main Avenue West. This event, which is free and open to the public, is sponsored by the Land Stewardship Project (LSP) and the Sustainable Farming Association of Minnesota.…  Read More

Climate Conversation: Generational Regeneration

Farmers possess a kind of ground-level common sense that seems increasingly rare in today’s fast-paced, technologically-driven world. Farmers develop this common sense from a real, experiential understanding of their land. Mike Krause is one farmer who not only understands the generations’ worth of knowledge behind his family farm, what the land has been through, and…  Read More

Act Now to Keep Rural Minnesota Strong & Family Farmers on the Land

Here are key policies the Land Stewardship Project has been working on at the Minnesota state Legislature this session, along with an action you can take: • Resources for farmers facing financial stress. Increased funding for Farm Advocates and Farmers’ Legal Action Group (FLAG) is needed. These groups stand up for farmers facing foreclosure and…  Read More

MN Lawmakers Need to Stop Healthcare Malpractice

During 2017, the Minnesota Legislature took these steps on healthcare: Insurance companies received a $549 million cushion against losses associated with the small number of patients with costly claims. This was meant as an inducement to keep these companies in the marketplace. A proposal to allow people in this same individual market to buy into…  Read More

Farmers & SNAP Recipients Gather at MN Headquarters of NAU Insurance to Call for Crop Insurance Changes in 2018 Farm Bill

New Report Calls for Reforms to Nation’s Biggest Ag Safety Net RAMSEY, Minn. — The nation’s biggest farm “safety net” has evolved into a program that harms family farms, the land and rural communities, while bolstering profits for major insurance companies, including one headquartered in Minnesota, said farmers and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipients…  Read More

New Report Calls for Reforms to Nation’s Biggest Ag Safety Net

Crop Insurance Changes Needed in 2018 Farm Bill MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. — The nation’s biggest farm “safety net” has evolved into a program that harms family farms, the land and rural communities, while bolstering profits for major insurance companies, including one headquartered in Minnesota. That’s the conclusion of “Crop Insurance: A Torn Safety Net,” a special…  Read More

‘Soil health impacts everyone,’ MN Farmer tells Congressional Ag Leaders

Austin Crop & Livestock Farmer Testifies at Special Congressional Hearing on the Need to Support Healthy Soil in the Next Farm Bill WASHINGTON, D.C.—Building healthy soil on agricultural acres doesn’t just benefit rural communities, said a southern Minnesota farmer during a special Congressional hearing on soil health that was held in Washington today. And that’s…  Read More

‘Cover Crops, No-Till & More’ Workshop Feb. 16 in Preston

PRESTON, Minn.—“Cover Crops, No-Till and More” will be the focus of a special soil health workshop Friday, Feb. 16, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at St. Columban Church (408 Preston St. NW) in Preston. This Land Stewardship Project (LSP) workshop will feature West Union, Iowa, farmer Loran Steinlage. There will also be short presentations…  Read More