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Searched for: seeking farmer to join minnesota

What’s Your Farming Legacy?

What will be your farm’s legacy? We often think of our legacy as related to our farm’s financial success. Our legacy will show how we were able to weather hard times — floods, droughts, hot weather, cool weather, low prices, pests, weeds, the farming crisis of the ’80s, changes in production methods and other enormous…  Read More

Something’s Rotten in Tomatoland

This winter, when you reach for a nice, perfectly-shaped tomato in the produce section of your local supermarket, think of Lucas Mariano Domingo. For two and a half years the Guatemalan lived in the back of a windowless box truck with three other men while he picked tomatoes in the fields surrounding the Florida community…  Read More

Homegrown Homeland Security

While sitting in a western Wisconsin high school auditorium listening to farmers and other rural residents discussing urban sprawl the other evening, I was struck by an epiphany of sorts: the argument for saving farmland near our cities and suburbs has evolved beyond the “let’s save our pretty viewscapes” phase. Protecting prime farmland from the…  Read More

Tell the Legislature to Reinstate the MPCA Board

It's Time to Give Minnesotans a Bigger Voice in Environmental Decisions

The bill to reinstate public oversight of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has been moving through the Minnesota Legislature. In the Minnesota Senate, it passed out of the State and Local Government Committee and needs to be heard in the Environment, Climate, and Legacy Committee before becoming part of the larger Senate bill that…  Read More

Ear to the Ground No. 253: The Power of Local Meat Processing

Livestock producer Eric Klein of Hidden Stream Farm describes why and how his family launched its own meat processing business. It’s been a financial and logistical challenge, but a few years down the road it’s already producing benefits for their farm as well as the local community. If you’re thinking of getting into small-scale meat…  Read More

Sign the Petition Incentivizing 100% Soil Healthy Farming

Farmers are on the front lines of the climate crisis — battling extreme weather and changing seasons while also building soil health to sequester carbon and manage water. In developing the Land Stewardship Project’s Soil Health and Climate Campaign, our members were clear: now is the time for landscape-scale transformation. That’s why we’ve crafted a…  Read More

Protect Minnesota Voices During the 2021 Legislative Session

The government of Minnesota belongs to the people of Minnesota — not outside corporate interests who want to write special laws for themselves at the expense of our communities and democracy. During the last three legislative sessions, the Land Stewardship Project and our allies in the Protect MN Voices Coalition successfully stopped efforts by outside…  Read More

Minnesota Supreme Court Upholds Winona County Frac Sand Mining Ban

Decision Marks 3rd Time Ban is Supported in the Courts SAINT PAUL, Minn. — The Minnesota Supreme Court today upheld Winona County’s landmark ordinance banning frac sand mining. The court ruled that Winona County acted fully within its rights when it used its zoning authority in 2016 to prohibit industrial mining operations. This latest ruling…  Read More

State Policy Update: Time for Legislative Action on the Farm Crisis is Now

At the Land Stewardship Project, we know that we depend on each other to thrive and that our government, public institutions, and economy exist to serve each and every person, as well as our land, water. and air — no exceptions. That’s why hundreds of Land Stewardship Project members like you have been taking action…  Read More