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Searched for: covid lsp

Matthew Sheets

Matthew Sheets joined the Land Stewardship Project’s staff in late 2019 after organizing for years in his home of western Minnesota. He began his work with LSP as part of the Farm Crisis Campaign and has been working to follow up on the goals of that campaign and expand that work to advance the cause…  Read More

Nick Olson

Nick Olson has been working as an  organizer with LSP for 12 years, primarily within the Farm Beginnings initiative. During the past five years, he has been organizing farmers to lift-up their voices and actions for justice. Additionally, he and his family run a certified organic vegetable farm in Litchfield, Minn. He is committed to…  Read More

Annelie Livingston-Anderson

After graduating with a master’s degree in Integrated Biosciences (focusing on insect ecology and evolution) from University of Minnesota-Duluth, Annelie worked in nonprofit sustainable agriculture programming for a few years in the Twin Cities before hopping on the LSP train in 2018 as a Farm Beginnings organizer. She heads up the Farm Beginnings class and…  Read More

Natalia Espina Talamilla

Natalia joined LSP’s staff in May 2021. Natalia is a Chilean born immigrant who, after a long battle within the immigration system, received her work permit in 2007 and became a naturalized U.S. Citizen in 2015. Her first job as a documented worker was as specialties clerk at New Pioneer Co-op in Iowa City, Iowa,…  Read More

Scott DeMuth

Scott DeMuth initially started working with LSP as a consultant, researching how Federal Crop Insurance subsidies impact and can better suit beginning farmers. After that, Scott came on as a fulltime organizer working in our Farm Beginnings program and eventually leading our Food Sovereignty, Food Security, and Land Legacy initiatives. Outside of organizing, Scott’s passions…  Read More

Ear to the Ground No. 259: Kernza’s Stress Test

In his ongoing attempt to create a regenerative, soil-healthy farm, Kaleb Anderson is pushing a plant science breakthrough further using rotational grazing. Other Ear to the Ground Podcasts on Kernza, Forever Green & Kaleb Anderson: • Episode 229: A farmer and a researcher discuss the potential agronomic, economic, and ecological benefits of a commercially-viable perennial…  Read More

Tell Congress: We Need Rural Climate Leaders Now!

For over a year, Land Stewardship Project members have been advocating for the Agriculture Resilience Act (H.R.2803/ S.1337), a piece of federal legislation that invests in building a more climate-resilient farm and food system from the ground up. Our members have lobbied members of Congress during farm tours and in virtual meetings to advance this…  Read More

Ear to the Ground No. 254: Mastering an Evolutionary Monster

Farmer Tom Frantzen talks about hybrid rye, ecological resiliency, and why being uncomfortable isn’t always a bad thing. • To read the Civil Eats article on hybrid rye — “Hybrid Rye is Helping Farmers Fight ‘Superweeds’ Without Herbicide” — click here. • To read the Land Stewardship Letter article on hybrid rye — “A Grain…  Read More