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Searched for: seeking farmer to join minnesota

We Need Gov. Dayton’s Veto

We need Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton to use his veto pen. The “Guilty by Association” legislation, Senate File 3463, was passed by the Minnesota Legislature Saturday and is on its way to the Governor’s desk. This bill is being driven by corporate interests that want to chill dissent and prevent people from standing up to…  Read More

LSP Statement on Latest Attempt to Undermine the Winona County Frac Sand Ban

On Tuesday, Jan. 16, frac sand corporation Minnesota Sands, LLC, filed a notice of appeal declaring its intent to challenge a district court ruling upholding the Winona County, Minn., frac sand ban. Pro-frac sand interests’ attempt to overturn the ordinance in Winona County District Court was dismissed with prejudice in November 2017 by Minnesota District…  Read More

Legislators: When it Comes to Healthcare, Prioritize these 3 Points

In the final days of the Minnesota state legislative session, important decisions are being made behind closed doors and away from public input. Lawmakers have until midnight on Monday, May 22, to decide on a budget for Minnesota. As of today, no budgets have been passed. Who will be prioritized and who will be hurt…  Read More

UPDATE: Dayton Vetoes Bill Weakening Local Control

UPDATE: Great news! On Monday, May 15, Gov. Mark Dayton stood up for strong local control and vetoed House File 330, a bill that would have weakened local control. Like us, he knows that strong rural communities need strong local control. Governor Dayton is doing right by using his veto power to protect Minnesota from…  Read More

Anatomy of a Grassroots Campaign

How citizens in one Minnesota county put values into action to attain a win for the land and their community. On November 22, 2016, history was made in southeastern Minnesota’s Winona County when the Board of Commissioners there passed a ban on any new frac sand operations. It is the first known countywide ban on…  Read More

Act Now to Support a MinnesotaCare Option for all Minnesotans

Farmers and small businesses, people nearing retirement and parents wanting to stay home with kids — hundreds of Minnesotans have shared stories with the Land Stewardship Project about the need for affordable healthcare options that provide quality coverage. With news yesterday that federal changes to healthcare could knock 24 million Americans off health insurance, these…  Read More

Act Now to Keep Factory Farms from Ducking Environmental Review

When you look at the bills being pushed at our State Capitol this year it appears many legislators think that what people living in rural and small town Minnesota want are more factory farms and less of a say in what happens in our community. Nothing is further from reality. But reality at the Capitol…  Read More

Connecting with Farmers in SE MN at a Critical Time for our Soil

“Upon this handful of soil our survival depends. Husband it and it will grow our food, our fuel, our shelter, and surround us with beauty. Abuse it and the soil will collapse and die, taking humanity with it.” This quote was taken from the Vedas Sanskrit Scriptures, which date back to 1500 BC. For a…  Read More

Talking Conservation in Our Farm Leases

With a single phrase, we can put conservation to work on rented land. And that would have a major impact from a landscape point of view: more than half the crops in Minnesota and Iowa alone are produced on rented acres, and every one of them could be saving soil, water, habitat and money with…  Read More