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Searched for: seeking farmer to join minnesota

Tell your State Representative to Protect Free Speech

The government of Minnesota belongs to the people of Minnesota — not outside corporate interests who want to write special laws for themselves at the expense of the rest of us. Right now, these outside corporate interests are attempting to weaken our free speech rights in a way that disproportionately targets Indigenous Minnesotans and other…  Read More

14 Days Left in the Legislative Session: Make Your Voice Heard

Our state of Minnesota has the power and responsibility to create a transformational, regenerative food and farm system that is good for family farmers, rural communities, and the land. But so far this state legislative session, we have not seen our leaders take the bold action we need to advance our vision for rural Minnesota.…  Read More

Tell Policymakers it’s Time to Fully Invest in Forever Green

For the first time in Minnesota state legislative history, full funding for the Forever Green Initiative, —$10 million for the biennium—has been included in an omnibus finance bill. This is something to celebrate — it would not have been possible without the efforts of Land Stewardship Project members, our allies, and legislative champions. This year…  Read More

Action Needed for State Investment in a New Ag Economy

We at the Land Stewardship Project have a strong vision for rural Minnesota where our communities are vibrant, our soil and water healthy and our local economies are strong. Our vision for people and the land can’t happen without bold policies and a real investment of our public dollars. Our state leaders are not embracing…  Read More

Corporate Ag Interests Sue MPCA to Limit Public Comment on Environmental Review of Massive Dairy Expansion

LEWISTON, Minn. — Proposers of an expansion project that would create one of the largest dairy operations in Minnesota are attempting to limit the time the public has to submit comments to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) about the project’s potential environmental risks. A lawsuit has been filed in Ramsey County District Court preventing…  Read More

MPCA Needs Comments on Daley Farms’ Proposed Mega-Dairy Expansion by Nov. 15

On Tuesday, Oct. 16, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) held a public information forum regarding Daley Farms of Lewiston, Minn., and the Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) which is part of the operation’s current permit application approval process. Daley Farms wants to more than double its dairy herd from 1,728 cows and calves to 4,628…  Read More

LSP Statement on Appellate Court Upholding Winona County Frac Sand Ban

The Minnesota Court of Appeals today upheld Winona County’s ordinance banning frac sand mining. The court upheld that Winona County acted fully within its rights in using its zoning authority to prohibit industrial mining operations. This ruling further affirms that the proper role of government is to take bold action to protect the common good,…  Read More