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Searched for: seeking farmer to join minnesota

Bill to Weaken Local Control on Senate Floor MONDAY, May 8

The Land Stewardship Project just got word Friday night that the Minnesota Senate will be taking up the bill to weaken local control this Monday, May 8, at 11 a.m. The bill, House File 330, passed off the House Floor on Feb. 14. It had been scheduled to be on the Senate Floor on March…  Read More

Across Rural Minnesota, People are Saying NO to Factory Farms

NOTE: On Monday, Jan. 30, farmers and rural residents of Goodhue County’s Zumbrota Township gathered at the headquarters of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). They expressed their outrage that the MPCA prioritized rubber-stamping a proposed factory hog farm above protecting their community. Life-long township resident David Post made the following statement during the press…  Read More

CCC: Cover, Cattle, Clean Water

Andy Marcum’s eye-opener was when he walked a ridge on his farm soon after snowmelt and noted the ground was speckled with the delicate, purple pedals of pasque flowers—more than he’d ever seen in his life. For Dan Jenniges, the aha moment came when he realized that he was grazing more cattle on fewer acres,…  Read More

Carbon, Cattle & Conservation Grazing

Sometimes the rules of simple cause and effect don’t directly apply. Take, for instance, the fact that cattle are ruminants, and like all ruminants they utilize a wonderfully complex digestive system to turn forages and grain into meat and milk. A major side effect of all that fermentation on four legs is the production of…  Read More

Legislature: Move Forward, Not Backward, on MinnesotaCare

NOTE: Land Stewardship Project Healthcare Organizing Committee member Al Kruse recently wrote this letter to the editor of the Marshall Independent: The April 27 Marshall Independent editorial about healthcare gets one important thing right: We have a lot of work to do to make quality, affordable healthcare available in our rural communities. Unfortunately, it is…  Read More

‘Spring Prep!’ to Link Cover Crops & Good Soil March 3 in Chatfield

CHATFIELD, Minn. — Farmers and landowners gearing up for cover crops this year are invited to learn from innovative area farmers at a free Land Stewardship Project (LSP) “Spring Prep!” program Thursday, March 3, in Chatfield. The program will be held at the United Methodist Church (124 Winona St. SE) from 1 p.m. to 3:30…  Read More