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Searched for: Amanda 20Koehler 20 3Cakoehler landstewardshipproject

LSP Statement on Court Ruling to Uphold the Winona County Frac Sand Ban

On Nov. 17, Minnesota District Court Judge Mary Leahy dismissed with prejudice pro-frac sand interests’ claims in their attempt to undo the Winona County, Minn., frac sand ban. The judge ruled that the county acted fully within its authority in passing this ordinance to protect public health, safety and general welfare from industrial mining operations.…  Read More

LSP Joins National Coalition in Calling for a Farm Bill that Supports Conservation

Over 2 Dozen Farm, Food, Wildlife & Environmental Groups Send Letter to Congressional Ag Committees MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. — As U.S. House and Senate agriculture committee leadership begins drafting the 2018 Farm Bill, the Land Stewardship Project (LSP) this week joined over two dozen other organizations in calling for a law that greatly strengthens agricultural conservation…  Read More

In West-Central Meeting with Rep. Peterson, LSP Members Call for 2018 Farm Bill that Supports Conservation & Family Farmers

LSP Holds On-Farm Meeting with Ranking Member of U.S. House Ag Committee as Ag Policy Debate Enters Next Stage BARRETT, Minn. — During an Aug. 28 on-farm meeting near Barrett in west-central Minnesota, the ranking member of the U.S. House Agriculture Committee agreed to fight for policy that supports working lands conservation policy and family…  Read More