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Ask Your Representative to Continue to Keep Local Control Strong

Our work to stop the bills that would weaken local control in Minnesota have had an impact. On March 20, the state Senate version of the bill that would weaken local control was scheduled to be heard on the Senate Floor. Shortly before the Senate went into session, bill proponents pulled it from the day’s…  Read More

Citizens File Legal Challenge After Goodhue County Commissioners Grant Permit to Factory Farm that Violates County Ordinance

Permit is Suspended Until Minnesota Court of Appeals Issues Ruling RED WING, Minn. — Goodhue County Commissioners voted today to grant a Conditional Use Permit for a controversial factory hog farm proposed in Goodhue County’s Zumbrota Township. Neighbors to the proposal have documented how it does not meet the standards of the Goodhue County Ordinance.…  Read More

The Beauty Beneath Our Feet

For an artist, it’s always nice to get a little public recognition—it helps make up for all those hours spent alone in the studio. So when Deborah Foutch’s piece, “Soil Horizon,” won a blue ribbon at the Minnesota State Fair in 2015, she was thrilled. But even more exciting was that the artwork—it uses various…  Read More