Ear to the Ground 44
Teaching kids about food without dumbing it down.
Here you will find LSP’s 15-year collection of podcasts featuring farmers, scientists, and others telling stories from the land. You can find LSP Ear to the Ground podcast episodes on Pandora, iTunes, and other podcast platforms.
Teaching kids about food without dumbing it down.
Atrazine and Paul Wotzka (part 2 of 2).
Tyrone Hayes and atrazine (part 1 of 2).
Farming in the midst of sprawling development.
Organic farming research comes of age.
“Keeping the Land & People Together” panel discussion (part 5).
“Keeping the Land & People Together” panel discussion (part 4).
“Keeping the Land & People Together” with Joe Paddock (part 3).
“Keeping the Land & People Together” with Mary Rose O’Reilley (part 2).
“Keeping the Land & People Together” with Wendell Berry (part 1).