Elaine Ingham

Ear to the Ground 318: Great Expectations

Farmer Mike Seifert is realizing that building a solid soil house is not enough — he also has to stock its pantry. More Information • LSP’s Soil Microbiology Web Page • Ear to the Ground 297: Web of Willing Workers • Ear to the Ground 292: Working the Microbes • LSP’s Soil Health Web Page…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 297: Web of Willing Workers

Scientist Elaine Ingham believes minding the microbes makes farmers the masters of their own destiny. More Information • Microbiologist Elaine Ingham’s Soil Food Web page • LSP’s Soil Microbiology web page • Ear to the Ground No. 292: Interview with David Johnson & Hui-Chun Su Johnson about the Johnson-Su Bioreactor system You can find LSP…  Read More

Getting a Bio-Reaction from Soil

How Farmers Involved in an LSP Project Hope to Use the Johnson-Su Composter to Boost Biology

Calling all microbe enthusiasts! Looking to learn about better composting methods that encourage the soil biome to thrive, all with minimal effort? Then you may be interested in research the Land Stewardship Project and some of our farmer-members are doing on the “Johnson-Su Composting Bioreactor.” Developed by molecular biologist and research scientist David Johnson, along…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 266: Activating Soil Life

How farmers involved in an LSP research project hope to use the Johnson-Su Bioreactor composting system to spark a chain reaction of underground ecological activity.  More information: • An LSP Slideshow on Johnson-Su Bioreactor Construction in Minnesota • How to Build Your Own Bioreactor • Managing a Johnson-Su Composting Bioreactor • Microbiologist Elaine Ingham You can…  Read More