Tell the Chair of the Senate Ag Committee to Include Land Access Act in the New Farm Bill

Our farm and food system is more resilient and just with more farmers stewarding the land and growing food for their communities, but so many people who want to farm are facing significant barriers to getting established and sustaining their businesses. The Increasing Land Access, Security, and Opportunities (LASO) Act, championed by Minnesota U.S. Senator Tina…  Read More

Advocating for a Farm Bill for People & the Land in D.C.

The Federal Farm Bill is the single most important piece of legislation shaping our farm and food system. It spends over $1.5 trillion on nutrition programs, crop insurance, commodity programs, conservation programs, and more. The next Farm Bill, which could still be passed this spring or by early summer, impacts each and every one of…  Read More

Tell Your Senator to Support Land Access Legislation

Make the LASO Act Part of the Next Farm Bill

Our farm and food system is more resilient and just with more farmers stewarding the land, growing food for their communities, but so many people who want to farm are facing significant barriers to getting established and sustaining their businesses. The Increasing Land Access, Security, and Opportunities (LASO) Act, championed by Sen. Tina Smith would…  Read More

Tell Congress We Need A Farm Bill that Supports Land Access

The LASO Act Prioritizes Land Access for Young, Beginning & BIPOC Farmers

Last week, the “Increasing Land Access, Security, and Opportunities (LASO) Act” was introduced in the U.S. Senate, championed by Minnesota Senator Tina Smith. If enacted, this innovative bill, via the 2023 Farm Bill, would fund powerful, community-led solutions to the land access crisis faced by the new generation of young and Black farmers, Indigenous farmers, and…  Read More