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Changes Ahead for LSP in 2023

Mike McMahon Departing as Executive Director

As the Land Stewardship Project begins the new year, Mike McMahon will be wrapping up his tenure as the executive director of LSP and the organization’s 501(c)4 political leadership development partner, the Land Stewardship Action Fund. McMahon would like to share this message with LSP’s members: “The Land Stewardship Project is a special organization and…  Read More

LSP Releases Songs-of-the-Soil, Organization’s 1st Music Videos

LEWISTON, Minn. — The Land Stewardship Project (LSP) has released a pair of music videos highlighting key themes of the growing farmer interest in building soil health. The two songs-of-the-soil, “Got Cover Crops” and “Back to Soil,” were commissioned from Austin, Minn., native and singer-songwriter Bret Hesla and performed with the band Six Feet Deep.…  Read More

Nitrate’s Season of Reckoning

Ag Pollution in Karst Country Offers a Critical Opportunity for Soil-Friendly Farming

For residents of southeastern Minnesota, the past few months must seem like “The Season of the Nitrate.” It turns out nitrogen, that critical source of crop fertility, is quite adept at escaping our farm fields, and, in the form of nitrate, polluting groundwater. So much so that scientists, government officials, and physicians now recognize it…  Read More

Don Wyse’s Land Grant Legacy

It's Imperative Forever Green Stays True to its Foundations: Farmer-Centered, Accountable to the Public, Rooted in the Land

Back in 1998, I was working on an article for the Land Stewardship Letter about how the lack of biodiversity in agriculture was threatening the agronomic, ecological, and economic future of Midwestern farming communities. One of the people I interviewed was Don Wyse, a respected University of Minnesota plant scientist who had recently helped coordinate…  Read More

No. 1, 2024, Land Stewardship Letter

• An online version of the Land Stewardship Letter is here. • A downloadable pdf version is here. • Downloadable pdf back issues of the Land Stewardship Letter are here. • Interactive online back issues of the Land Stewardship Letter are here. • Paper copies are available by contacting Brian DeVore at 612-816-9342 or via e-mail. Table of Contents Stewardship…  Read More

No. 2, 2023, Land Stewardship Letter

• An online version of the Land Stewardship Letter is here. • A downloadable pdf version is here. • Archived pdf versions of the Land Stewardship Letter are here. • Archived online versions of the Land Stewardship Letter are here. • Paper copies are available by contacting Brian DeVore at 612-816-9342 or via e-mail. Table of Contents Stewardship Roots…3 • Speaking…  Read More

LSP Powerline Story Center

Do You Care About the Future of Your Rural Community? Do You Want to be Heard?  Do you favor a farm and food system that relies on small and medium-sized operations that contribute to local economies while building healthy soil? Are you concerned about the corporate takeover of the farm and food system in your community? Do…  Read More

No. 1, 2023, Land Stewardship Letter

• An online version of the Land Stewardship Letter is here. • A downloadable pdf version is here. • Archived pdf versions of the Land Stewardship Letter are here. • Archived online versions of the Land Stewardship Letter are here. • Paper copies are available by contacting Brian DeVore at 612-816-9342 or via e-mail. Table of Contents Stewardship Roots…3 •…  Read More

Update on LSP’s Leadership Transition

Spread the Word: We're Looking for a New ED!

As you may have heard, the Land Stewardship Project is currently searching for a new executive director as a result of the departure of Mike McMahon earlier this year. We’d like to provide a brief update on the hiring process and where LSP stands during this time of transition. First, let’s address the reality of…  Read More

The 2019 MN Legislative Wrap-up

LSP Members Shaped the Outcomes & Continue to Build Power to Make Transformational Vision a Reality During the recently concluded session of the Minnesota Legislature, Land Stewardship Project members from across the state were deeply engaged in advancing our vision for a transformational farm and food system that fosters strong family farms, vibrant rural communities,…  Read More