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Beginning Farmer Program for MN, WI & IA Accepting Applications for 2024-2025 Course

Early Bird Discount Deadline for Farm Beginnings Class Aug. 1

LEWISTON, Minn. — One of the most successful beginning farmer training programs in the country is now accepting applications for its 2024-2025 course session serving the Minnesota, western Wisconsin and northern Iowa region. The Land Stewardship Project’s (LSP) Farm Beginnings initiative is a training program that focuses on the goal-setting, marketing and financial skills needed to establish…  Read More

Driftless Grazing School June 28-29 in SE MN

CALEDONIA, Minn. — An in-depth, two-day, school for livestock graziers who want to take their skills to the next level will be held June 28-29 near Caledonia, Minn. Jordan and Rachelle Meyer of Wholesome Family Farms will host this Land Stewardship Project (LSP) workshop. There is no charge for the Driftless Grazing School,  but pre-registration…  Read More

LSP Members Make Their Voices Heard on the Farm Bill

Take Action Today to Improve Accessibility to EQIP

Earlier this month, Land Stewardship Project farmer-members James Kanne and Adam Griebie flew to Washington, D.C., with me for a few days to gather with farmers and organizers from across the Midwest who are a part of the Campaign for Family Farms and the Environment and to meet with members of Congress about our shared…  Read More

Thinking Like a Tree

Soil, Cicadas & Spreadsheets: Playing the Long Game in Farm Country

There’s farm planning. And then there’s long-term farm planning. Figuring out what kind of rotation to use the following growing season is one thing; picturing what the entire farm will look like in a decade or so is quite another. Abbie Baldwin and Mitch Hawes are well aware that when the enterprise you are undertaking…  Read More

In the Middle of Somewhere

Carrie Calvo's Long Journey to the Heart of Farming & Local Food

Owl Bluff Farm is tucked away in one of those Driftless Area coulees where cellular signals go to die. In fact, when contractors were constructing a building there recently, they sometimes climbed half-way up an abandoned silo on the farm to use their phones. It has a sense of being an isolated, if beautiful, little…  Read More

Johnson-Su Bioreactor Construction Events

This is the second year of a two-year research project through the Minnesota Department of Agriculture looking into creating on-farm compost recipes using the Johnson-Su Bioreactor design. Land Stewardship Project staff are working with five farms to build a total of 10 bioreactors in the month of June 2022. We are looking for 3 to…  Read More

Brian DeVore

Brian DeVore joined LSP’s staff in 1994 and his responsibilities include coordinating media relations, editing the Land Stewardship Letter, producing the Ear to the Ground podcast, administering the organization’s website, and editing special publications. DeVore grew up on a crop and livestock farm in southwestern Iowa and, as a Peace Corps Volunteer, operated a dairy…  Read More

One Disruption Away

I got a call from a colleague this morning asking how I was dealing with the corona virus pandemic and I said I was feeling grateful. Grateful to live in a rural area where my primary activity outside of working for the Land Stewardship Project is goofing around outside collecting firewood and going for long…  Read More