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Ear to the Ground 318: Great Expectations

Farmer Mike Seifert is realizing that building a solid soil house is not enough — he also has to stock its pantry. More Information • LSP’s Soil Microbiology Web Page • Ear to the Ground 297: Web of Willing Workers • Ear to the Ground 292: Working the Microbes • LSP’s Soil Health Web Page…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 316: Passing on Purity

Agronomist David Kleinschmidt says dealing with extreme weather on the farm requires compromise, even when it means taking a temporary step back on soil health. More Information • LSP’s Soil Health Web Page • LSP’s 2023 Field Day Special Report: “A Long, Hot Summer” • LSP’s Ear Dirt Soil Health Series • Ear to the…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 314: Going for the Goat

Jordan and Rachelle Meyer are using goats to add value to marginal land…one thistle at a time.  More Information • LSP’s Soil Health & Grazing Web Page • LSP’s 2023 Field Day Special Report: “A Long, Hot Summer” • Wholesome Family Farms Web Page • Wholesome Family Farms’ Grazing YouTube Page • LSP’s 2023 Pasture…  Read More

No. 1, 2023, Land Stewardship Letter

• An online version of the Land Stewardship Letter is here. • A downloadable pdf version is here. • Archived pdf versions of the Land Stewardship Letter are here. • Archived online versions of the Land Stewardship Letter are here. • Paper copies are available by contacting Brian DeVore at 612-816-9342 or via e-mail. Table of Contents Stewardship Roots…3 •…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 310: Healthy Farmers, Healthy Land

Paula Williams talks about why healthcare reform matters to LSP and its allies, and, after 15 years of hard work and organizing, what advances were made on the issue during a recent session of the Minnesota Legislature. More Information • LSP blog detailing recent healthcare wins at the Minnesota Legislature • LSP’s Healthcare Web Page • Ear…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 304: Policy for the People

Perhaps no single piece of legislation has a more profound impact on what our landscape and rural communities look like. That’s why LSP’s members are working hard to influence the 2023 Farm Bill (1st of 2 parts). More Information • Ear to the Ground 305: Farm Bill as a Public Good (2nd installment in this…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 299: Road to Resilience

Laura Lengnick believes that if farms are to survive (and thrive) in the age of climate change, we need to remember it’s not just about soil and water — it’s also about people. More Information • Resilient Agriculture: Cultivating Food Systems for a Changing Climate, by Laura Lengnick • SARE Publication: Cultivating Climate Resilience on Farms…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 295: Patchwork Quilt Stewardship

John Ledermann’s rental relationships are built on healthy soil. More Information • LSP’s Conservation Leases Toolkit • Land Stewardship Letter article on John Ledermann • LSP’s Soil Health web page • LSP’s Land Transition Tools You can find LSP Ear to the Ground podcast episodes on Spotify, Stitcher, iTunes, and other podcast platforms.

LSP Statement on Latest Daley Farm Lawsuit

LEWISTON, Minn. — Daley Farm’s filing of a lawsuit in Minnesota District Court on Oct. 27 naming the Land Stewardship Project (LSP) and individual citizens as defendants is the latest effort by this limited liability partnership to suppress the public’s right to discuss and debate the future of our community here in Winona County. This litigation appears…  Read More