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Searched for: seeking farmland to buy minnesota 6

Willie Nillie Farm

Willie Nillie is a holistic, no-till, CSA operation located in the beautiful Bluff Country of southeastern Minnesota. We believe strongly in the value of food and its relationship to our community. We are several small farmers operating together to provide a variety of items to fit your family. Good, healthy food brings community together. We…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 266: Activating Soil Life

How farmers involved in an LSP research project hope to use the Johnson-Su Bioreactor composting system to spark a chain reaction of underground ecological activity.  More information: • An LSP Slideshow on Johnson-Su Bioreactor Construction in Minnesota • How to Build Your Own Bioreactor • Managing a Johnson-Su Composting Bioreactor • Microbiologist Elaine Ingham You can…  Read More

‘How Grazing Brought a Ranch Back to Life’ in MN Feb. 1-4

Events to Focus on Utilizing Soil Building Practices to Manage for Drought & High Input Costs

LEWISTON, Minn. — Cattle producer Alejandro Carrillo will tell the story of how he has used regenerative grazing to build soil health and bring his ranch back to life during a series of Land Stewardship Project presentations in Minnesota the first week of February. The events will be held Feb. 1 in Willmar, Minn., Feb. 2 in…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 263: Public Investment in Public Goods

Anna Racer and Pete Skold have used state and federal “spark plugs” to build a farm enterprise infrastructure that’s good not just for them, but the community as well. Back in 2012, we interviewed Racer and Skold soon after they graduated from Farm Beginnings and launched Waxwing Farm. Check out that conversation on Ear to…  Read More

Prairie Drifter Farm

Prairie Drifter Farm is a diversified, certified organic vegetable farm serving the Minnesota communities of Litchfield, Dassel, and Saint Cloud through Community Supported Agriculture. Pick-up locations include the farm, Litchfield Natural Food Co-op, Dassel Community Room, and the Good Earth Food Co-op in Saint Cloud. Our farm is committed to building community through food, stewarding…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 260: Soil Health’s Long View

Martin Larsen’s integration of small grains into his cropping operation is centered on building economic and ecological resiliency beyond the next growing season. For more information on soil health and to join LSP’s Soil Builders’ Network, click here. Ear Dirt Check out LSP’s ongoing Ear Dirt podcast series for conversations on cover cropping, no-till, managed rotational grazing,…  Read More

Megan Smith

Megan Smith joined LSP’s staff in 2011 after serving as a volunteer and intern in our Minneapolis office. Megan is inspired by building the people power needed to create transformational change in our farm and food system and by the commitment LSP members have for protecting people and the land. Before coming to work at…  Read More

Matthew Sheets

Matthew Sheets joined the Land Stewardship Project’s staff in late 2019 after organizing for years in his home of western Minnesota. He began his work with LSP as part of the Farm Crisis Campaign and has been working to follow up on the goals of that campaign and expand that work to advance the cause…  Read More

Annelie Livingston-Anderson

After graduating with a master’s degree in Integrated Biosciences (focusing on insect ecology and evolution) from University of Minnesota-Duluth, Annelie worked in nonprofit sustainable agriculture programming for a few years in the Twin Cities before hopping on the LSP train in 2018 as a Farm Beginnings organizer. She heads up the Farm Beginnings class and…  Read More