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Searched for: seeking farmland to rent wisconsin 2

We Rely on the Land, Not Frac Sand

The Frac Sand Insider Conference is being held in La Crosse, Wis., today and tomorrow, with a projected 300 to 400 industry representatives expected to attend. Before the conference, the Alliance to Ban Frac Sand Mining and Address Climate Change, which the Land Stewardship Project belongs to, stated: “Banning frac sand mining is the goal…  Read More

LSP: Congress Should Vote No on Fast Track, TPP

As Land Stewardship Project members and supporters know, LSP has been active in working to defeat Congressional approval of pro-corporate trade policy, such as fast track authority and the Trans-Pacific Partnership. This week, we sent letters to members of the Minnesota and Wisconsin congressional delegations, laying out LSP’s reasons for its firm opposition, and urging…  Read More

Farm Bill: A Breakdown of the Breakdown

You’ve probably heard by now that the U.S. House failed to pass a Farm Bill last week. It came as somewhat of a shocker, failing 195 to 234, which is a pretty big margin. It’s the first time since 1973 that the House has voted down a Farm Bill. In what can only be interpreted…  Read More

Sustainable Ag’s Most Critical Conversation

What is the most critical discussion that needs to take place to ensure a sustainable food and farming system long into the future? Is it one on policy, farming techniques, green technology, consumer preferences or soil fertility? No. It’s the conversation that takes place between Nettie and Gerald during LSP’s play, Look Who’s Knockin’, which…  Read More

Putting Out the Welcome Mat for New Agrarians

There are numerous ways of communicating the value society places on having more family farmers on the land, not fewer. This morning, the USDA announced it was awarding $18 million in grants to groups that are helping beginning farmers nationwide. That sends an important message that the federal government, thanks to initiatives put in the…  Read More

Seeking Farmland to Buy: Minnesota

Kara is seeking 8 acres (6 tillable, 1 forest, 1 pasture) in MN.  Kara is interested in a barn or shed to house equipment.  Water access, electricity, and entrance / access to land would be preferable.  No house is needed.  Kara would be interested by 1/31/25.

Seeking Farmland to Buy: Ohio

Aravindu is seeking tillable land in Ohio to buy.  No housing is needed.  Aravindu would be ready for land 12/31/24.

Seeking Farmland to Buy: Minnesota

Dan is seeking 30-50 acres (open to larger as well) in Xcel territory for a combined use of agrivoltaics and an incubator farm for emerging farmers. 30 acres is probably the minimum for the solar. Farmable land can be part of that 30 acres or a different part of the parcel would be preferable.   No…  Read More

No. 1, 2024, Land Stewardship Letter

• An online version of the Land Stewardship Letter is here. • A downloadable pdf version is here. • Downloadable pdf back issues of the Land Stewardship Letter are here. • Interactive online back issues of the Land Stewardship Letter are here. • Paper copies are available by contacting Brian DeVore at 612-816-9342 or via e-mail. Table of Contents Stewardship…  Read More