Ear to the Ground 121
How farmers, scientists and conservationists have teamed up to revolutionize the relationship between ag and soil health.
Here you will find LSP’s 15-year collection of podcasts featuring farmers, scientists, and others telling stories from the land. You can find LSP Ear to the Ground podcast episodes on Pandora, iTunes, and other podcast platforms.
How farmers, scientists and conservationists have teamed up to revolutionize the relationship between ag and soil health.
Terrie and Joe Adams work to make Marshwatch Farms into a place where people can learn that profitable food production and environmental health go together, even in a region threatened by sprawling development.
A community garden in a low-income neighborhood helps Denise Crews manage her Type 2 diabetes.
A retiring farmer and beginning farmers share their transition stories.
Dave and Deb Welsch pass their crop operation on to beginning farmers who are not family members.
A young couple emerges from the wilderness to join a farming community.
How a health care exchange accountable to the public could help family farmers.
A pioneering CSA farm transitions to the next generation.
A young couple steps back from near burn-out to reconsider their farm’s future.
An older farmer considers how to pass on the farm to the next generation.