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Searched for: creating change

Overwhelming Number of Citizens Call for In-Depth Environmental Review of Winona County Mega-Dairy Expansion

Over 500 Public Comments in Opposition to Expansion Submitted to MPCA LEWISTON, Minn. — A proposed expansion of a southeastern Minnesota mega-dairy, already one of the largest in the state, is drawing demands for an in-depth environmental review from farmers and local residents. The proposed expansion to Daley Farms of Lewiston, LLP’s dairy would add…  Read More

Building a Dairy Farm’s Resilience Through Soil Health

It has become far too common these days to open a newspaper or hear from a neighbor about another small dairy going under, whether it be from a labor shortage, slim margins on low milk prices, or the nonstop work of running a dairy single-handedly. I am a Land Stewardship Project soil health organizer, tasked…  Read More

LSP’s Local Foods Listening Campaign Begins

“We need to change this idea that food is a product or commodity,” said Land Stewardship Project member, farmer and leader, Josh Reinitz. “Food is not a product—it is our energy, our medicine, and is made by and for real people. Not consumers.” On Oct. 7, LSP members like Josh came together from across the…  Read More

When Nature Bites the Hand That Tills It

Tyler Carlson farms near “Gopher Prairie,” the fictional setting for Sinclair Lewis’s 1920 novel, Main Street. In the book, Lewis, who grew up in the real Gopher Prairie, otherwise known as Sauk Centre, used biting satire to poke fun at small town life. On this summer day, Carlson is finding the havoc burrowing rodents are…  Read More

The Healthcare Status Quo is Not Acceptable

NOTE: Land Stewardship Project member Leslea Hodgson spoke at the HEALTHCARE-NOW conference in Minneapolis in June. LSP participated in the conference, which focused on organizing a grassroots movement around the principles of a healthcare system in which everyone is in and no one is left out. Below is an excerpt of her talk. I have…  Read More

Quick Wits, Grit, Guns ‘N Roses

Lou Anne Kling’s Legacy of Saved Farms & Saved Lives One day several years ago, western Minnesota farmer Lou Anne Kling was helping a financially-distressed chicken producer who was at risk of losing his operation. This was sometime in the 1980s or 1990s, and Kling had already spent countless hours on the telephone, in the…  Read More

Digging into a Soil Health Test

A streak of creativity brightens the landscape when farmers join forces with scientists to investigate “the standard” of what we thought we already knew. Take, for example, the fresh look at how soil functions—collectively called soil health—that has been the talk of Land Stewardship Project workshops and field days the past five years or so.…  Read More

Ending Protections for ‘Dreamers’ Weakens All of Us

Today, the Trump Administration ended the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. We believe this is a short-sighted and damaging action which the Land Stewardship Project opposes. Since DACA was started in 2012, the program has provided legal protection for nearly 800,000 undocumented immigrants who came to the United States as children. These people…  Read More