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Searched for: bdevore landstewardshipproject

UPDATE: Protect Southeastern MN from MN Sands’ Frac Sand Proposal

At its hearing on Sept. 9, members of the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board (EQB) made it clear that they are hearing an outpouring of concerns from southeastern Minnesotans about the frac sand industry’s attempt to pave a path for frac sand mining across the region (see previous LSP action alert), spurring the EQB to decide…  Read More

Agriculture, Insects, Ecology & Economics

An Entomologist Sees Farms as Part of the Solution to Biodiversity Loss It’s called the “windshield effect” — a harsh but effective way to gauge insect populations. The more dead bugs smashed on the front end of your F-150, the more live ones buzzing around in surrounding fields. Scientists, and anyone who drives for that…  Read More

Farm Crisis Exacerbated by Covid-19: Urgent Action Needed

As people across Minnesota and around the world face a global health pandemic, the reality of the farm crisis grows starker and more urgent. Small- to mid-sized farmers who strengthen our rural economies and act as stewards of the land and water face greater uncertainty in the production and distribution of the food we depend…  Read More

One Disruption Away

I got a call from a colleague this morning asking how I was dealing with the corona virus pandemic and I said I was feeling grateful. Grateful to live in a rural area where my primary activity outside of working for the Land Stewardship Project is goofing around outside collecting firewood and going for long…  Read More

LSP Names Jess Anna Glover as Executive Director

Mark Schultz Retiring After 3 Decades with the Land Stewardship Project MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. — A veteran advocate for independent family farmers and sustainable rural communities has been named as the Land Stewardship Project’s new executive director, the organization’s board of directors announced today. Jess Anna Glover will take over from Mark Schultz, who is wrapping…  Read More

IMPENDING VOTE: Contact Elected Officials to Protect Free Speech

The government of Minnesota belongs to the people of Minnesota — not to outside corporate interests who write special laws for themselves that threaten our democracy. Land Stewardship Project members know why free speech is so important. Since the 1980s, members across the state have been leveraging our collective power to fight against farm foreclosures,…  Read More