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Searched for: creating change

Ear to the Ground 299: Road to Resilience

Laura Lengnick believes that if farms are to survive (and thrive) in the age of climate change, we need to remember it’s not just about soil and water — it’s also about people. More Information • Resilient Agriculture: Cultivating Food Systems for a Changing Climate, by Laura Lengnick • SARE Publication: Cultivating Climate Resilience on Farms…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 285: Powerful Conversations

LSP organizers describe the potential for “deep canvassing” to go beyond shouting, lawn signs, and social media posts and move people to be a part of real change. More Information: • Land Stewardship Action Fund • Oct. 2: Soil Health Deep Canvass – MN Senate District 24 • Oct. 5: Deep Canvass Training • Oct. 13: Soil…  Read More

Minnesota Legislative Leadership Squanders Opportunity to Fully Support Farmers, Food Systems & the Land in Ag Budget 

With 24 Hours Left in the Regular Session, Rural Support Could Still Pass 

SAINT PAUL, Minn. — As the agriculture budget emerged from a House-Senate conference committee Friday evening, it appeared legislative leaders had squandered a major opportunity to invest in an economically and ecologically sustainable rural Minnesota, according to the Land Stewardship Project (LSP). “This was the state’s chance to help farmers build the kind of agricultural…  Read More

Legislative Session Heads into its Final Days

Wide Gap Between House & Senate Budget Proposals for Soil Health, Processing Support, Drought Relief

There are less than 20 days left in the 2022 session of the Minnesota Legislature, and with a $9.3 billion surplus, legislators have an historic opportunity to invest in our communities. Throughout the session, Land Stewardship Project members have been advocating for funding to increase access to local meat processing facilities and for helping farmers implement…  Read More

TC Farm

TC Farm is the most customizable pasture-raised meat and organic produce CSA in Minnesota. With weekly home deliveries or free monthly neighborhood pick-ups (whichever suits you), we deliver meat, local produce, pasture-raised milk and more. Our deliveries easily fit into standard refrigerators and freezers. Our year-round weekly produce is all organic. None of our animals…  Read More

Making Room for Relationships

How Journeyperson is Helping Racing Heart Pace Itself

Pack-shed or people? That’s the question Les Macare and Els Dobrick are grappling with on a dank day in mid-March as they brave a biting wind to inspect the garden plots, cover crops, and outbuildings on Racing Heart Farm in western Wisconsin. With the exception of some onions sprouting in one of the hoop houses,…  Read More

The Non-Tragedy of the Commons

Cooperative Ownership of Farmland Offers Alternative Access to Acres

Meet Sasa Organic Farms, a collective of Kenyan farmers. Sasa is five family farms: Dawn2Dusk Organic Farms, Lisaviole Farms, Lisaviole Organic Farms, Green Joy Farm, Gedef Organic Farm, and Laurens Organic Farm. They provide Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) shares, produce, and seedlings to customers in and around Minnesota’s Twin Cities. Like many beginning farmers, their goal…  Read More

The Importance of Investing in Soil Health & Resilient Rural Communities

Around a decade ago, while driving past a farm field in southeastern Minnesota, Bob Christie turned to DJ Mueller with a nervous question: “So you’re saying my fields are going to look like that?” With farmers adapting to a changing climate and volatile markets, DJ knew that he and Bob must prioritize soil health over…  Read More

The Wonder of Farming with Nature

John Snyder’s Soil Health Journey Started with a Question: Where are the Worms?

Some five decades ago, a young aspiring farmer named John Snyder brought his bride Bernadette back to Minnesota from Tennessee to begin their farm and family dream together. The newlyweds settled in on a piece of rolling farmland near Preston in southeastern Minnesota where oak savanna forests, limestone ridges, and prairie meet. That first farmhouse…  Read More

Megan Smith

Megan Smith joined LSP’s staff in 2011 after serving as a volunteer and intern in our Minneapolis office. Megan is inspired by building the people power needed to create transformational change in our farm and food system and by the commitment LSP members have for protecting people and the land. Before coming to work at…  Read More