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Searched for: regional food systems

Soil Health Workshops with Jonathan Lundgren March 5 & 6 in SE MN

LEWISTON, Minn. — A workshop entitled, “From Entomology to Economics: Building Soil Health with Jonathan Lundgren,” will be offered by the Land Stewardship Project (LSP) in three southeastern Minnesota locations March 5 and 6. On Thursday, March 5, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., at St. John’s Lutheran Church (650 N. Kingston St.) in Caledonia,…  Read More

Pope County Field Day to Focus on Grazing Pasture & Cover Crops

BROOTEN, Minn. — A field day on grazing techniques will he held Thursday, Aug. 1, from 3:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., at the Terry and Darlene Barchenger farm near Broken (10412 230th St., Brooten, MN 56316-4566). The field day will focus mainly on beef cattle management, but these practices can be applied to all classes…  Read More

In Walz Meeting, SE MN Farmers Call for a 2018 Farm Bill that Supports Beginning Farmers, Soil Health & Risk Management Reform

UTICA, Minn. — Over 100 family farmers and rural residents gathered in Utica May 11 to discuss federal agricultural policy reforms during a special Land Stewardship Project (LSP) meeting with U.S. Rep. Tim Walz. Participants in the meeting made it clear that the 2018 Farm Bill needs to support family farms, conservation, beginning farmers and…  Read More

Farm Beginnings Profile: A Decision-Making Community

Finding the weakest link in a farming operation is often easier said than done. But sometimes a few energetic pigs accomplish the task quite nicely. “Today, fencing suddenly moved up the list as our weakest link,” quips Paul Freid on a brisk day in early May. He and his wife Sara, along with their 11-year-old…  Read More

Expanding My Knowledge in Healthcare

Being a senior physician at Mayo Clinic in Rochester for several decades, I thought I knew quite a bit about healthcare and how it is paid for, but I’ve come to realize that my viewpoint was limited. There is always a lot new to learn. My wife and I discovered the Land Stewardship Project many…  Read More

We Are Not Fated to Repeat Dirty History

The United Nations-Food and Agriculture Organization has declared 2015 the International Year of Soils. That’s fitting, given how reliant the entire world is on keeping our soil in place, as well as keeping it healthy. But this isn’t exactly new information: years ago I happened upon a 1953 pamphlet called Conquest of the Land Through…  Read More

Soil’s Underground Fight Against Climate Change

At a time when there’s a lot of bad news when it comes to the state of our land, spending a bit of time in the company of optimists can be good for the soul. And there’s no doubt Kristin Ohlson and Courtney White have a positive message to relay in their new books about…  Read More

Farm Beginnings Profile: Mike & Linda Reil

Rolling with the Prairie Punches

Every budding farm enterprise goes through that certain stage at least once—the one where setbacks outnumber successes, careful planning gets bushwhacked by forces beyond one’s control and the learning curve can resemble a roller coaster headed in one direction: up. It’s at that period in an enterprise’s life that minimal risk is a farm’s best…  Read More