Daley Farm

LSP Media Statement on Latest Daley Farm Appeals Filing

LEWISTON, Minn. — The Land Stewardship Project (LSP) filed a legal brief May 22 with the Minnesota Court of Appeals contesting Daley Farm’s appeal of the state District Court’s decision to deny the operation’s attempt to circumvent Winona County’s rules related to the size of large livestock operations. Daley Farm is seeking a variance so that…  Read More

LSP Media Statement on Amicus Filing by ‘Ag Groups’ in Daley Farm Court Case 

LEWISTON, Minn. — On Jan. 4, five “agricultural groups” filed an amici curiae (friend of the court) motion with the Minnesota Court of Appeals in support of Daley Farm’s request that a recent District Court ruling be overturned, thus allowing the Lewiston dairy operation to circumvent Winona County’s zoning rules related to livestock operation size.…  Read More

community holding signs against factory farms

LSP Applauds Court’s Support of Winona County Decision on Factory Farm

LSP Launches ‘Story Center Powerline’ Initiative for Rural Residents Fighting Big Ag

LEWISTON, Minn. — Land Stewardship Project (LSP) members applauded today’s decision by the Minnesota District Court to deny Daley Farm’s latest attempt to circumvent Winona County’s rules related to the size of large livestock operations. (The Court’s decision is available here.) For the past four years, Daley Farm has sought a variance from the county’s…  Read More

community holding signs against factory farms

LSP Statement on Daley Dismissal of District Court Case

LEWISTON, Minn. — Daley Farm’s recent withdrawal of its lawsuit against the Land Stewardship Project (LSP), elected officials, and other community members is yet another example of why this limited liability partnership’s efforts to impose an unprecedented expansion in Winona County is unwarranted. Daley Farm filed this lawsuit right before the November 2022 election in an…  Read More

LSP Statement on Latest Daley Farm Lawsuit

LEWISTON, Minn. — Daley Farm’s filing of a lawsuit in Minnesota District Court on Oct. 27 naming the Land Stewardship Project (LSP) and individual citizens as defendants is the latest effort by this limited liability partnership to suppress the public’s right to discuss and debate the future of our community here in Winona County. This litigation appears…  Read More

Land Line: Grasslands & Carbon, Local Foods, AU Cap, Fertilizer Prices, Dry Wells, Methane Digesters, Forever Green

June 7: An LSP Round-up of News Covering Land, People & Communities

Claim: Grazed Grasslands Trump Cover Crops on Long-term Carbon Sequestration (6/5/22) The Food and Environment Reporting Network reports on research showing that rotationally grazed pastures sequester more carbon than annual cropping systems. An ongoing 29-year-old field experiment in Wisconsin shows that perennial pastures managed with rotational grazing accumulated 18% to 29% more soil organic carbon…  Read More

LSP Statement on Daley Farm Appeal of Winona County BOA Decision

LEWISTON, Minn. — On Jan. 3, Daley Farm of Lewiston, L.L.P, filed an appeal in Minnesota District Court challenging the Winona County Board of Adjustment’s decision in December denying the operation’s proposed expansion. This expansion would exceed the county’s animal unit cap by almost four times the current limit. Over the years, Daley Farm has repeatedly shown it has little respect…  Read More

Winona County BOA Denial of CAFO Variance a Win for Farms, People & the Land

It's Time to Start Investing in a Sustainable Ag Economy

Today, the voice of the people in Winona county prevailed against an attempt by a factory dairy farm to blow by local, sensible limitations on the number of animals (and thus the amount of manure) that can be housed in one location. After thoroughly considering the evidence, the Winona County Board of Adjustment once again…  Read More

Court’s Decision a Win for Land, Communities & Farms

In a win for the people and the land of southeastern Minnesota’s Winona County, the Minnesota Court of Appeals has declined to take up an appeal case that was brought forward by a large dairy attempting to expand well beyond an existing animal unit cap. This comes after years of neighbor-to-neighbor action and public engagement…  Read More