
Letter: When it Comes to Addressing Nitrates, State Needs an Effective Public Engagement Campaign

LSP & Allies Call for Several Action Steps on the Part of MDH, MPCA & MDA

Note: In April 2023, the Land Stewardship Project joined 10 other groups in filing a petition calling on the Environmental Protection Agency to use its emergency authority under the Safe Drinking Water Act to address the fact that nitrate contamination is causing “an imminent and substantial endangerment to public health” in the karst region of…  Read More

LSP Members Make Their Voices Heard on the Farm Bill

Take Action Today to Improve Accessibility to EQIP

Earlier this month, Land Stewardship Project farmer-members James Kanne and Adam Griebie flew to Washington, D.C., with me for a few days to gather with farmers and organizers from across the Midwest who are a part of the Campaign for Family Farms and the Environment and to meet with members of Congress about our shared…  Read More

Organizing Secures Key Wins for Rural Healthcare in 2023 Minnesota Legislative Session 

MinnesotaCare Public Option & Prescription Drug Affordability Board are Strong Steps Forward

The Land Stewardship Project began organizing around healthcare in 2008 after hearing over and over again from our members that one of the primary barriers to getting into farming, or staying in it, is lack of access to affordable and useful health insurance. Farmers and other self-employed people do not have employer-based healthcare coverage without off-the-farm or…  Read More

2023 Minnesota Legislative Session Wrap-Up 

Historic Wins for Sustainable & Regenerative Ag, Small & Mid-sized Farmers & Rural Communities 

During the recently concluded session of the Minnesota Legislature, Land Stewardship Project members and partners worked to win record investments in sustainable and regenerative agriculture, small and mid-sized farmers, and rural communities after decades of underfunding. We won a MinnesotaCare Public Option, as well as historic investments in the Emerging Farmers Office at the Minnesota…  Read More

2023 Minnesota Legislative Session Update — 4 Weeks Left!

Many LSP Priorities Are Still in Play

During this session of the Minnesota Legislature, Land Stewardship Project members have been making their voices heard loud and clear. Dozens of farmers and rural LSP members have testified in committee hearings, hundreds have come to the Capitol to meet with their elected officials, and thousands have taken action by signing a petition, contacting their…  Read More

It’s a Wrap: The Largest Family Farm Breakfast & Lobby Day in LSP History

LSP Members Made their Voices Heard at the Capitol on April 13

On Thursday, April 13, over 300 Land Stewardship Project members, supporters, staff, and elected and appointed public officials gathered in Saint Paul for our 17th Family Farm Breakfast & Lobby Day – the largest Family Farm Breakfast in LSP history! This year, the event was co-hosted by: Clean Up the River Environment (CURE) ♦ Climate Land Leaders…  Read More

LSP Supports Return of State Park to Upper Sioux Community

This Land Rightfully Belongs to the Upper Sioux Community

Note: The Upper Sioux Agency State Park is located in western Minnesota’s Yellow Medicine County. For years, leaders of the Upper Sioux Community have asked to have the park land, which is sacred to them, returned to the community. The park is adjacent to the Upper Sioux Community and holds several burial sites and other…  Read More

Update on LSP’s Leadership Transition

Spread the Word: We're Looking for a New ED!

As you may have heard, the Land Stewardship Project is currently searching for a new executive director as a result of the departure of Mike McMahon earlier this year. We’d like to provide a brief update on the hiring process and where LSP stands during this time of transition. First, let’s address the reality of…  Read More

Legislative Update: Fair Farm Economy, Resilient Climate, Soil Health, Land Access & Regional Food on the Table

LSP is Championing 15 Bills (So Far)

This past fall, hundreds of Land Stewardship Project members from across Minnesota came together to build a holistic, state policy campaign — the “Minnesota Food and Farm Campaign.” Now, as the 2023 session of the Minnesota Legislature hits its stride, we’re translating our agenda into legislation. LSP is championing 15 bills (so far) to build…  Read More

Line 3 Environmental Damage & State Regulatory Failure

It's Now Clear Approval of the Pipeline Failed the Land, Our Water & People

Note: The Land Stewardship Project’s current long-range plan outlines why we cannot have a sustainable society while we rely on a system focused on extractive fossil fuels. In the plan, LSP promises to “advance solutions to the climate crisis by innovating and promoting resilient, soil-building farming systems and moving our society away from a reliance on fossil fuels.” It…  Read More