BIPOC farmers

Ear to the Ground 340: Entrepreneurial Equity

Beginning farmer Alondra Cano’s conversations with other Spanish-speaking agrarians have unearthed insights into the role emerging farmers can play in a regenerative food system, and what needs to be done to help them succeed. More Information • LSP’s Farm Beginnings Course • LSP’s Farmland Access Web Page • LSP Farmland Clearinghouse • Latino Economic Development Center • MDA…  Read More

The Fifth R

A 'Generational Urban Farmer' Looks to Build Community Resilience

On a warm, overcast day in early fall, a low line of shrubby trees blocks the view of a seemingly empty lot on Penn Avenue, a busy thoroughfare in the Willard-Hay Neighborhood of North Minneapolis. A television with a cracked screen lays in some weeds at the edge of the lot, a reminder that if…  Read More

Tell the Chair of the Senate Ag Committee to Include Land Access Act in the New Farm Bill

Our farm and food system is more resilient and just with more farmers stewarding the land and growing food for their communities, but so many people who want to farm are facing significant barriers to getting established and sustaining their businesses. The Increasing Land Access, Security, and Opportunities (LASO) Act, championed by Minnesota U.S. Senator Tina…  Read More

Senate Ag Committee Releases Farm Bill Draft

How LSP’s Top Priorities Fare in the Proposed Legislation

For decades, Land Stewardship Project members have been organizing to ensure that our federal farm policy serves people and the land, not corporate interests. This latest Farm Bill cycle has been no different. With approximately $1.5 trillion on the table, it’s important that LSP members are engaged in the process of drafting and passing a…  Read More

2024 Minnesota Legislative Session Update: Less Than One Month Left! 

There is less than one month left in the 2024 Minnesota legislative session. This week, the House and Senate are finalizing and passing their separate omnibus policy and supplemental budget bills, which will then be sent to conference committees where differences between the proposals will be hammered out.   This session, the Land Stewardship Project has…  Read More

Take Action & Show Up for Emerging & BIPOC Farmers on Thursday, March 21

The Land Stewardship Project needs you to take action to stand with emerging farmers — particularly Black farmers, Indigenous farmers, and farmers of color (BIPOC farmers). Your state representative serves on the House Agriculture Finance and Policy Committee. On Thursday, March 21, this committee is considering legislation that would remove emerging farmers, including BIPOC farmers,…  Read More

Tell Congress We Need A Farm Bill that Supports Land Access

The LASO Act Prioritizes Land Access for Young, Beginning & BIPOC Farmers

Last week, the “Increasing Land Access, Security, and Opportunities (LASO) Act” was introduced in the U.S. Senate, championed by Minnesota Senator Tina Smith. If enacted, this innovative bill, via the 2023 Farm Bill, would fund powerful, community-led solutions to the land access crisis faced by the new generation of young and Black farmers, Indigenous farmers, and…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 304: Policy for the People

Perhaps no single piece of legislation has a more profound impact on what our landscape and rural communities look like. That’s why LSP’s members are working hard to influence the 2023 Farm Bill (1st of 2 parts). More Information • Ear to the Ground 305: Farm Bill as a Public Good (2nd installment in this…  Read More

LSP Platform Calls for Farm Bill that Supports Farmers, Rural Communities & the Land

Platform & Survey Results Released on Northfield Area Farm Today

  NORTHFIELD, Minn. — The new federal Farm Bill must benefit farmers, rural communities and the land, rather than corporate interests, said farmer-leaders of the Land Stewardship Project (LSP) today during the release of the organization’s priorities for the nation’s most comprehensive agricultural policy initiative. LSP’s 2023 Farm Bill Platform, which was launched during an…  Read More